Giving Your Body the Fuel It Needs

March is National Nutrition Month but your body needs good eating habits year-round. Try to incorporate these healthy eating tips so you can lead by example when it comes to your family’s nutrition.

Healthy & Easy Swap Ideas!

Make your meals healthier by swapping ingredients and lowering your calorie/fat intake with these easy tips. Don’t forget to include these healthy choices on your next grocery list! 

Preventing Heart Disease

Learn the American Heart Association’s 7 key health factors and behaviors to decrease your risk for heart disease and stroke. Find out how to keep your heart healthy. 

Washing Hands Prevents Illnesses and Spread of Infections to Others

Handwashing is a vital part of our everyday lives, but is even more important during certain times of year, like cold and flu season. But proper handwashing is not just for the winter months – it's a year-round good habit. 

Ways to Burn Off that Holiday Candy!

Wondering how you can afford to eat a few pieces of holiday candy and not completely blow your eating plan out of the water? We have a few ideas of how you can indulge with less bulge!

Top 5 Nutrition Tips to Get and Stay Healthy

In the words of Ben Franklin, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” To improve your health and meet your nutrition and fitness goals, you must plan out what you will eat! Make a grocery list for the entire week and go shopping weekly. Plan out your meals and snacks the night before to ensure you stay on track.

Why Are Healthy Snacks Important?

Snacking is an effective way to fit extra nutrients into your diet and prevent overeating at mealtimes. Here are some important reasons to always get your snack in each day!


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