5 Impressive Health Benefits of Yogurt

Which type of yogurt is your family’s “go-to”? Even with so many flavor, texture and brand choices, one thing is clear – yogurt is good for you!

Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

Is there anything more refreshing than the smell and taste of a freshly squeezed lemon? Used for everything from cooking to cleaning, lemons can also be used to give drinks more flavor. 

Noticing Added Sugars in Your Diet

The added sugars in the foods we are eating can turn a normally healthy food into a not so healthy food! Added sugars are different than sugars from fruits and dairy products, because added sugars are added to our food and come with calories, but minimal nutrition. The nutrition facts label is changing, and the new label will list total sugars and added sugars, so you know how much is natural versus added. 

Learn More About Fruits and Vegetables

 They can help us lower our calorie intake and reduce our risk of heart disease, stroke and protect us from certain cancers when eaten as part of an overall healthy diet. It is important to find fruits and vegetables we enjoy and eat a variety, because each fruit and vegetable has a unique nutritional profile.

Adding Whole Grains to Your Menu

Why eat whole grains? Whole grains are packed with nutrients like protein, fiber, B vitamins, antioxidants, phytochemicals and minerals. 

Challenge Yourself to Make a Meal Plan

Why meal plan? Meal planning is a great place to start improving your food choices. When we plan out our week and make healthy foods and recipes available and ready to eat when we are hungry, it can help us avoid the fast-food line, and it can improve our overall diet quality. 

5 Aqua Exercises to Get You Back in Shape

Hard-core exercising may not be at the top of your to-do list; however, water aerobic exercises with their low-impact, gentle-on-your-joints benefits offer a great alternative to traditional exercise at a gym.

Fun Facts About Fruit and Vegetables

Fruit and vegetables have been in our diet for the entirety of human history. We eat them raw, cooked, chilled and frozen – in ever increasingly creative combinations. And we're always trying to find new ways to incorporate more fruits and veggies into our daily diet.

Cardio For the Heart

Cardiovascular exercise or "cardio" is the most important physical activity you can do to keep your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy while also improving your overall fitness. 

Wellness Nutrition Counseling

As the New Year begins and you find yourself working on the “New You”, remember the old saying, “You are what you eat.” If you pay close attention to what you are eating and drinking, you will get even better results.


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